Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Kangaroo Island day 1

We got picked up early in the morning but our new Groovy Grape guide, Sandy. In our group we had Bav, Sam and another guy ( i forgot his name :( ) from the UK, two girls from Korea, Sarah from Switzerland and Ross, our tour guide from the last trip came along. We then caught the ferry across to kangaroo island. It is supposed to be the most expensive ferry in the world, as I was told. It was a bit chilly on the way over but the sun was out and the sky was clear.

When we got to land, we drove to the grocery store to get all our food for the feast of the trip and then headed off into e country side. The island itself was very beautiful and only a small population of people lived on the island. The people we did get to meet were very friendly. Our first stop was at Prospect Hill lookout. After climbing all the stairs, we got to see an amazing view from the top. It was breath taking.

After that, we drove along more beautiful countryside until we got to a wildlife park/reserve for the Australian sea lions. We got to meet a lovely guide who showed us around the area to see the sea lions and told us tons of information about them. We got to see bulls, moms and pups. They were pretty amazing and we got to get pretty close to them as well. We managed to see some go into the ocean and play I. The waves while coming back into shore as well as one coming down a hill. They are pretty amazing to watch how they move. They are also pretty cheeky and harass each other. It was so surreal to be so close to these majestic, wild animals. As we were waking back to the information centre, we got to see a wallaby munching on some shrubs. He even posed for pictures!

After our great sea lion adventure, we drove to the Little Sahara Desert where we went sand boarding. We got to use stand up and sit down boards. I managed to rock the stand up board and made the furthest distance. I was pretty proud of myself. I was also only one of two who had previous snow boarding experience. Mike and Ross had a race down the hill which Mike ended up winning. The Korea girls were hilarious to watch and they screamed every time they went down the hill. The whole group had a lot of fun.

We then drove to wild life sanctuary where we got to go koala spotting. We managed to spot a few along the path lined with eucalyptus trees. One koala was in a pine tree which was quite unusual and the group came up with theories as to how it ended up there. The top two were that the koala got too wasted on eucalyptus and fell of the tree into the pine tree and the per one was that his koala friends played a prank on him and moved him into another tree while he was sleeping. We also got to see some kangaroos at the sanctuary. They are quite different than e main land ones, they are very furry and cute!

After our fun filled day we drove to a farm where they had accommodation set up for us. We managed to catch an absolutely beautiful sunset before we parked for the night. The place we were staying at was great. Our bathrooms had a garden in them and e common area had a fire place and comfortable couches in a cabin like room. We spent the evening talking, sharing stories and pictures as well as playing darts and the didgeridoo. I played for my first time and I was actually able to make the correct sound. I think I would eventually like to learn how to play. Ross was surprisingly good at playing it.

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