Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rainy day

It is pouring rain out and has been off and on for the last three days or so. I am thankful we have a dry place to stay. We have actually had to start a fire in the fire place because it has cooled off so much. Today we said good bye to a new friend who is off on his next life adventure. Tim, who is the son of Claudia and Keith (who we are staying and working with) is moving to Melbourne. I am sad to see him go because I have enjoyed our wonderful conversations and listening to him and Ben (the German) making music together. Mike is sad to because they have also become good friends. I wish him all the best and I am thankful to have had to opportunity to meet him.

Two days ago was Claudia's birthday. Mike, Tim and myself arranged a semi surprise birthday party. Semi surprise because Claudia knew we were having a BBQ/party but nothing else. We decorated the restaurant with fresh roses, balloons and candles. I put paper on the tables and crayons so people could colour and draw during dinner. I set up one table with this paper and had everyone write a birthday message to Claudia and then put the bouquets of flowers, gifts and cake on it. Tim and Ben (their other son, not the German) barbecued everything. We had veggie burgers and veggie skewers (for the three vegetarians) and steak, ribs and meat skewers for everyone else. We also did baked potatoes and raw veggies. I made Sangria for everyone as well, which was an absolute hit. I also made a lemon and basil birthday cake which was served with homemade blackberry ice cram. It was a beautiful night and a great celebration. Claudia very much enjoyed herself.

We have enjoyed our stay at Claudia's restaurant/ Thunderbolt Farms. Mike and I have both learned a lot. We will be leaving here on March 6th. We are stopping to seem Sue and Graham in Brisbane first, then up to the Sunshine Coast to learn how to stand up paddle board, then to Noosa for a canoe trip and then to Mothar Mountain to do another help exchange job.

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