Saturday, January 11, 2014

Moeraki Boulders

I ended staying with the family for only a month. Unforntunately the placement didn't work out and I was moved to work with another family in Dunedin. I very much enjoyed my time with the children and had some pretty amazing experiences. The one afternoon I got to go out and help with calf debudding. The vet gave me the job of injection all the calves with an antibiotic combined with something to help stop the horns from re-growing. I also got to help put eat tags in some of the calves. It was an experience I know I will never forget.

One of the last things I did with the kids before I left was going out to the Moeraki boulders. Brittney came along with the children she is looking after. We had a great time. The weather was overcast but not too cold. The kids enjoyed playing in the ocean and climbing the rocks. Emily was glued to me the entire time and when she wasn't holding my hand, she wouldn't let me get more than a few paces away from her. When the tide started to come in, the kids started playing with the sea foam and making sand castles. It was a great last adventure with the kids.

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