Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter treats

Since none of the girls here have celebrated Easter before, I helped them make Easter chocolates.

We gathered white, milk and dark chocolate. melted it and poured into moulds. It wasn't as messy as I was expecting and we all had a lot of fun.

Pink made fortune cookie chocolates and wrote up a bunch of fortunes to put in them. She was quite clever at figuring out how to seal the eggs with chocolate and decorating them.

After all the chocolate making, no one wanted to eat the chocolate because we snacked so much while making it.

I also made mini red velvet cakes in the tin we had for the chocolates. They turned out pretty cute and the girls loved them. I also made cake pop balls of the red velvet and baked them in a white cake to make a polka dot cake after being inspired by a picture my sister posted on facebook. Everyone enjoyed the cake and it didn't last long.

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